
Pale pink winter skies
graciously cede to steel blue
as dusk settles in

Myriad snowflakes
silently fall, caressing
each branch of the trees                                          

Amid the mounds of
March snow a bird chirps
singing the promise of spring

An idea forms
and dances through the
geometry of my mind

A motorcyclist in
leather and cowboy boots
mounts his iron horse

Daily I watch a
rosebud open at an
exquisitely slow pace

My daylily patch –
a raucous area of
riotous colors

As the sun sets it
pours radiant molten gold
into the North Sea

Only one raindrop
is required to cause an
autumn leaf to fall

Finding subtle richness
in the poverty of
November landscapes

Two deer came into
my yard tonight, gentle
reflections of my peace

A fat robin sits
atop a branch on my apple
tree – spring is near

I saw snow in springtime
cottonwood fluffs gently
shimmering down

Butterflies lilting
among purple coneflowers
and black-eyed Susans

The soft, intimate sound
of my lover’s breath
as he lies next to me

I discovered this evening
during a walk that 
God is in movement

The old tree’s skin is
dry and cracked, but she is
not yet ready to die

A midnight snowfall
quickly returns spring landscapes
back into winter

In the night forest stillness
the soft silent sound
of emerging buds

To see a raindrop 
in its descent suspended 
in time-space: the Tao

Late-summer crab apple
leaves turn yellow and drop – 
autumn harbingers

The fresh pine scent 
in the forest refreshes 
my senses and my soul

A tiny icicle forms
as two drops slide down
a delicate branch

Life from dead branches:
the amazing resurrection
in the forest

Reflecting off the brook
the sun dances on an
overarching branch

The nadir is birthed 
at the precise moment when
the apex is reached

The night forest
canopies me with comforting

She birthed me into yoga 
from the womb of her
nurturing sangha

She can tell she’s aging when
only older men
look and drink her in

Fireflies, butterflies
iridescent dragonflies:
blessings of summer

An overcast autumn day 
breezy, mild, moist and

Two owls comfort me
as they hoot their love song in
the pre-dawn darkness

Mighty elms erased
from streets by disease
still grow tall in the forest

I saw a small field 
filled with Queen Anne’s lace:
Grandmother’s morning glory